Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is Silence Safer Then Speech?

Daniel Cavanagh, like everyone else in the United States has the right to a little thing called Freedom of Speech. So what is the problem? He is simply blogging the truth and his feelings towards his community. He didn't blog that he hates his community, so why are they trying to get rid of him. I would of done the same about the vandalism. It is sad to think a 12 year old would even think of chucking objects at someones personal property. As far as Ms. Sior-Cullen, why does her 12 year old son have a Facebook? I remember when Facebook didn't have children on it, the same with Myspace. Parents are so concerned about child predators, what they don't realize is when they allow their children on social media sites is welcoming every child molester to their front door.

And so it begins, the slowly but surely process of eliminating the newspaper. We knew this day would come, but we didn't realize just how quickly it would happen. We watch our local newspapers struggle to find news worthy stories to include because no one wants to read about todays news tomorrow. Everyone gets online or tunes in to their local television channels because it's the easiest way to find out news fast. The Tribune can't be completely at fault for the dwindling newspaper, it is technologies fault. However, technology is some what of an inanimate object and people feel the need to find a human force to point the finger to. Congratulations Tribune, you're it.

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