HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! But not in Wales. We soon discovered that St. Patty's Day isn't a very popular holiday in Wales. It deeply saddened me. Again team SYSHP got to sleep in and not rush to be anywhere. We took our time to get ready and then we all loaded the bus and ventured down to the City Centre where we shot b-roll for our client's video. Eliot, our Swansea U student ambassador, met us there to have lunch and chat with us one last time before we had to leave. After lunch Eliot led us back to our client's headquarters and saved us from having to pay a taxi again. We shot our last interviews of these two girls that have been out of SYSHP for quite some time, but love to come back to visit. SYSHP has helped them get their own loft and they are both in college now working towards degrees. They said if it wasn't for SYSHP they wouldn't of made it where they are today. Meeting with all of these kids was such a rewarding experience. I am so blessed to have met these kids and hear their stories. The stories were heartbreaking, but so touching. We walked back to City Centre and did some window shopping. I find it very difficult to pay 90 pounds for a pair of heels. It was tempting, but I just couldn't do it. We grabbed a cab and headed back to the hotel to meet with the rest of our class. We then all ventured down to Mumbles for some Joe's famous ice cream. Blue bell has nothing on them. Tomorrow morning we leave for London and though I'm excited, I'm going to miss Wales. This has been the best experience of my life.
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