Sunday, April 24, 2011


I have a new respect for band managers, publishers, tour managers, booking agents, promoters, producers, lawyers, accountants, journalists, photographers, merchandisers, etc. Basically anyone that ever has to deal with a musical artist. I had never noticed how disrespectful people can be until I began my internship with the Brawlers. I know you're probably thinking, aren't the Brawlers football? Yes they are, but we have to have a half time performer of some sort. It has just been easiest to get singers. Well we live and we learn right? We picked a lot of local artists that don't really have their foot in or do and just want the extra publicity. That's great, we will do each other a favor, we win and they win. Right? Wrong. I personally didn't expect any of these people to be the divas that they are, they sure showed me. Numerous times I get told "I need something to drink." Not asked. It's like hey I think I'm awesome so you should wait on me. So they first time is acceptable I'll get you one. But after you're done I feel like you're just as capable as anyone to go get you one. Just saying. And the second thing is they're never on time. We have other things to do then wait around for you to show up for your sound check. So please I actually encourage you to walk out on the field while the team is warming up and if you get hit by a football....OOOPS! And bands are the absolute worst because they all need about 1,000 things EACH or forgot their extra mic, equip, etc.....well dang, can't help ya out there. 

Excuse my little rant. Have a good weekend. 

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